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Welcome to Family Outreach

Serving individuals with developmental disabilities across Montana since 1977.

Welcome to Family Outreach

Serving children and adults with developmental disabilities in Montana since 1977.

What We DoDonate

We teach families the skills they need to assist their child with developmental, educational, behavioral, social and self-help skills in communities across Southwest Montana.

Our Services

Early Intervention

Our Early Intervention services provide support for families in Western Montana who have children with developmental delays or disabilities.

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Our Services

Support Services

Family Outreach provides a program of self-determined support services to adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities.

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Our Services

Applied Behavior Analysis

ABA is the primary treatment option for those diagnosed with autism.

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Early Intervention

Our Early Intervention services provide support for families who have children with developmental delays or disabilities in western Montana.

Support Services

Family Outreach provides a program of self-determined support services to adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities.

Applied Behavior Analysis

ABA is the primary treatment option for those diagnosed with autism.

What We Do

Our services include early intervention, family education and support, pre-employment transition for youth, supported living, vocational rehabilitation, supported employment, and applied behavior analysis. Families and individuals always have a say in how they are supported.

What We Do

Our History

We began operations by providing family support and respite services to 64 families in 1977, and have since expanded to provide a wide array of services across the lifespan to over 500 families and individuals today.

Our History

Our Locations

Support Family Outreach

Your support makes a significant difference in what we can accomplish.

Stay in the loop with Family Outreach on Social Media

We are so excited to be adding children from our FES waitlist to active FES services. We are always taking referrals and connecting families to resources they need, but now we are working on expanding the number of children receiving our FES services. Visit our website to submit a referral or give us a call.
Today is Nonprofit Day at the Capitol! We are sharing this video with the @mtnonprofit association to spread the message of the important services we provide across western Montana. Visit the Montana Nonprofit Association website to learn more.
Join us in support of local families on February 4th for Non-Profit Bingo at Missouri River Brewing! in East Helena and you could win a Family Membership to @explorationworks on Works! We are so excited for this fun filled night of Bingo, Raffles, Fun and Prizes!