The strength of our agency is that we are a home visiting program that focuses support services out of the individual’s own home. This may include Supported Living, Supported Employment, companionship, behavior supports, transportation, and foster care.

Learn more about Support Services
Who We Serve
Support Services provides supported living, vocational training, guided employment, and other services to adults and transition-age youth with developmental disabilities.
The program’s purpose is to help adults to discover and create a desirable personal future. Services are provided in environments which reflect personal choice and control, decision-making, community integration, and independence in residential, vocational, and community aspects of their lives.
Services & Location
This is a residential option for people with developmental disabilities. Individuals enrolled in this service are supported by teams of professionals who meet with the individual to develop support plans that lead to personal growth. These support plans are based on individual strengths and aim to develop useful skills for independent living. Individuals in this service are supported in many different living situations: alone in their own apartments, with roommates, with families, or in foster homes. Different levels of support can be provided depending on need or preference.
We provide assistance with daily activities such as: shopping, food preparation, housekeeping, medications, transportation, and making lifestyle decisions. Our team also supports individuals during major transitions in their lives by creating a safe and healthy environment.
Individuals receiving Supported Living services are encouraged to:
- Make healthy choices
- Learn from experiences
- Be active in the community
- Stand up for themselves
- Make new friends
- Join clubs/social groups
- Be independent

Family Outreach Supported Employment services begin at the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services’ Vocational Rehabilitation and Blind Services program. MT DPHHS refers individuals to our services who need or want help acquiring and maintaining employment out in the community at a competitive wage (this is not a workshop service). Once an individual is determined to be eligible for services, Family Outreach will assign Job Coaches and a certified Supported Employment Specialist to assist them in pursuing gainful employment.
About the Process:
- Family Outreach’s Supported Employment Specialist (SES) will receive information from the individual, their family, or their MT DPHHS Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) counselor about their employment needs.
- As a team, we will discuss and create a plan to meet the individual’s needs if one is not already in place.
- Family Outreach will complete assessments and intakes as required to begin supporting the individual.
- We then help the individual to search for jobs, classes, or other training to help them achieve their goal of having a productive job with real wages.
- The SES will meet with the individual’s VR counselor at least once per month to review the individual’s career and skills progress.
- After successfully landing a job, the individual has 90 days to maintain that job before their VR case is closed. If the individual decides they do not like their job and want additional Supported Employment services after their VR case is closed, they will need to repeat the VR process from the beginning.
- Extended Employment (“follow along”) may be another option for these individuals. The SES or local VR case manager will provide more information if requested.

Getting Started with Support Services
Begin the referral process, or contact us to book a consultation.
ReferralsContact Us